Support and conception of our social media channels
WeiterGeben.org - Gebrauchtmöbel sind zu schade für den Sperrmüll
- PR & Communication
- Zero Waste
About the volunteering opportunity
Currently, we and especially our message "Used furniture is too good for bulky waste" are reaching too few people. We have social media channels on Instagram-, Pinterest-, tumblr- and flickr, but with a negligible number of subscribers. One of the reasons for this is that we do not follow a clear strategy for our social media. We want to change this!
Here you can already get an overview of our previous activities on social media when you visit the channels:
Your Tasks
Your main task will be to deal with our target groups:
Target groups
- identify e.g. companies/authorities with old furniture or ...
- address -> e.g. posts, newsletters etc.
What's needed
- Knowledge of target group analyses
- Management of social media channels
- one-time 10-hour training session
- 1 hour a week for channel maintenance
Time required
Important notice
- one-time 10-hour training session
- 1 hour a week for managing Social Media channels
This project is location independent.
WeiterGeben.org - Gebrauchtmöbel sind zu schade für den Sperrmüll

Millions of good pieces of furniture end up in incineration every year.
Especially for commercial, used furniture:
* School furniture
* Office furniture
* Hotel furniture
we build up a network to bring owners and interested parties together quickly.
Priority is given to non-profit associations and institutions, but there is so much used furniture that we sell the rest to the general public.
In many ways we need supporters