Your ideas are in demand - get involved with your project for children and young adults in Duisburg
Lebenshilfe Duisburg gGmbH
- Families
- Kids & Teenagers
- Arts, Music & Culture
- Education & Language Support
- Sports & Leisure Activities
About the volunteering opportunity
Do you have cool ideas, hobbies, or experiences to share? Our kids and young adults love to discover, experience and try new things. Offer them the opportunity to experiment and explore by showing them how crafts, science, technology or even art are created. Or give them an insight into your everyday work as a policeman, firefighter, animal keeper, etc. The range for a project in our facilities is diverse.
Your Tasks
Get involved with your own small project or in a team with others. We are happy to advise and support you in the implementation of your ideas and projects or bring you together with others.
What's needed
Time required
Important notice
We require an extended certificate of good conduct. We will pay the costs for this.
In addition, one of our specialists is available to assist you in all projects.
Lebenshilfe Duisburg gGmbH