Buddy wanted - mentorship for refugees
youngcaritas Mannheim
- Migrants & Refugees
- Mentoring, Sponsoring & Career Coaching
- Sports & Leisure Activities
About the volunteering opportunity
In "Buddy wanted" you take on a sponsorship for a refugee. Together, you learn German and take part in various leisure activities such as eating ice cream, drinking coffee or playing soccer.
Your Tasks
This is not only a great way for you to "rediscover" Mannheim, but also to meet new cultures and friends. What exactly you do together depends on you and your buddy's interests, of course. You decide what you want to do. German materials, tips for your meetings and informational materials will be provided by us. The project is financially supported by youngcaritas. Of course, we also take your interests and time budget into account when matching buddies.
What's needed
The only requirement is that you are at least 18 years old and have time to meet your buddy once a week or fortnight for three months.
If this was all too briefly explained to you, just write to us :) We will be happy to give you more information and try to answer all your questions.
We look forward to hearing from you :)
Time required
You can arrange your time with your pat:in flexibly, as you can decide together how it suits you best, once a week or fortnightly.
youngcaritas Mannheim

With youngcaritas - the voluntary work for young people at Caritas - young people stand up for others. No matter whether in direct neighborhood or across borders. youngcaritas supports them in this, shows them possibilities and suggestions for social commitment and brings young people, ideas and concepts together.