Aunt Inge & Uncle Fritz - mentorships for senior citizens
youngcaritas Mannheim
- Seniors
- Mentoring, Sponsoring & Career Coaching
- Sports & Leisure Activities
About the volunteering opportunity
More and more people are getting older. But fewer and fewer elderly people can be cared for by their relatives at home. That is why more and more elderly people are living in old people's homes.
However, not all residents receive regular visits from relatives, acquaintances or friends. Often family members live too far away or are not so mobile due to work and their own families.
The sponsorship project "Tante Inge & Uncle Fritz" aims to counteract this. We arrange sponsorships between senior citizens and volunteers. What exactly you do depends on your interests, of course. Whether you do a puzzle, drink coffee, chat and gossip, go for a walk or go for a stroll in the city centre together... Together you decide what you feel like doing.
You should have time for this once a week or every 14 days - you then agree the exact day and time with your sponsor.
Your Tasks
And: You don't have to be a nurse, nor do you need any special previous knowledge. It is quite enough if you have time once a week and enjoy working with people.
This sounds good? But you need more info or have questions?
Then just contact youngcaritas!
We look forward to hearing from you.
What's needed
Time required
You can arrange your time with your mentee flexibly, as you can decide together how it suits you best, once a week or fortnightly.
youngcaritas Mannheim

With youngcaritas - the voluntary work for young people at Caritas - young people stand up for others. No matter whether in direct neighborhood or across borders. youngcaritas supports them in this, shows them possibilities and suggestions for social commitment and brings young people, ideas and concepts together.