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WeiterGeben.org - Gebrauchtmöbel sind zu schade für den Sperrmüll
- PR & Communication
- Zero Waste
About the volunteering opportunity
Around 600,000 non-profit associations and institutions exist in Germany.
Currently, however, only 600 of them know the only info service for used donations in kind (mainly school and office furniture/items) and, depending on their needs and region, have an individual notification sent to them in case there is a suitable donation.
Our goal is that in the future at least 20,000 non-profit organizations will be aware of the used in-kind donation info service and be notified of used in-kind donations through WeiterGebenOrg.
Your Tasks
Please take a look at the https://weitergeben.org/moebel-suchen page and the form on the following page and give us your feedback.
Do you have optimization ideas for the two pages?
What do you think we should improve/simplify/make more understandable on the website and the form (in terms of look+feel, description, usability)?
How do associations find out about WeiterGebenOrg?
What are the most effective ways for non-profit associations and institutions to find out about our info service for used donations in kind?
What's needed
Your interest/strength should be marketing/site optimization OR public relations and communications.
Time required
This project is location independent.
WeiterGeben.org - Gebrauchtmöbel sind zu schade für den Sperrmüll

Millions of good pieces of furniture end up in incineration every year.
Especially for commercial, used furniture:
* School furniture
* Office furniture
* Hotel furniture
we build up a network to bring owners and interested parties together quickly.
Priority is given to non-profit associations and institutions, but there is so much used furniture that we sell the rest to the general public.
In many ways we need supporters