Cooking in Rheinau - Assist in a cooking class for children (6-13 years) and teach a healthy and balanced diet in a playful way
youngcaritas Mannheim
- Kids & Teenagers
- Arts, Music & Culture
- Hands-on Activities
- Health Promotion
- Sports & Leisure Activities
About the volunteering opportunity
- Do you enjoy working with children?
- And you would like to work together with other young people to make healthy eating an everyday topic for children?
- You don't have to be a talented cook or be familiar with nutrition tables. At the children's cooking course we don't count calories ;) - instead, we explain what else can be made from potatoes besides French fries.
- You usually have time and enjoy cooking on Tuesday afternoons? Even if not every Tuesday suits you, you are welcome to join us from time to time.
Your Tasks
What's needed
Time required
youngcaritas Mannheim

With youngcaritas - the voluntary work for young people at Caritas - young people stand up for others. No matter whether in direct neighborhood or across borders. youngcaritas supports them in this, shows them possibilities and suggestions for social commitment and brings young people, ideas and concepts together.