"Let's walk a bit together" - volunteer running group with refugees

Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe e.V. Regionalverband Leipzig/Nordsachsen

Remote Volunteering
Medium German skills
Discussed individually
  • Migrants & Refugees
  • Sports & Leisure Activities

About the volunteering opportunity

You like to run and you like to do it with other people? You like to be motivated and/or motivate others? You love movement and the interpersonal exchange? Then help us to found a new running group with refugees and offer it regularly.


Are you interested? Then please contact us. We are looking forward to your support. :)

Your Tasks

Go running together with the residents.

What's needed

For this volunteering opportunity, intermediate German skills are required.

What you bring with you?

  • Fun with movement and running
  • Excitment to work with people
  • Patience and empathy

Time required

Discussed individually
On weekdays, during the day


This project is location independent.

Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe e.V. Regionalverband Leipzig/Nordsachsen

The Johanniter are active in refugee work throughout Germany. In the various accommodation models, the care, safety and support of the people after their escape are ensured. The focus is not only on the arrival itself, but above all on their integration into society. The Johanniter want to help people who come to Germany feel welcome here.

More about the organisation
Remote Volunteering
Medium German skills
Discussed individually
Remote Volunteering
Medium German skills
Discussed individually