Support a feminist educational association

Feministisches Bildungszentrum e.V.

Berlin, Berlin
Advanced German skills
Discussed individually
  • Women
  • Democracy & Human Rights
  • Education & Language Support
  • Equal Opportunities
  • Organisation & Administration
  • PR & Communication

About the volunteering opportunity

We are looking for people who would like to support our association in upcoming projects, such as running workshops, organizing smaller events, general association work or public relations. Which specific task(s) you take on is up to you.

We are currently organized entirely on a voluntary basis and have no fixed location in Berlin. We meet regularly (usually online) to talk about our projects and public relations and have monthly association meetings. We would be delighted, if you would like to become an active part of our association :-)

Your Tasks

You can choose the tasks in consultation with us, depending on your capacities and interests.

For example:
- Support in the project "Allyship: Feminism in Action" (workshop series)
- Support in public relations, e.g. social media, website maintenance, etc.
- Organization of actions, such as painting posters together for demos, discussion evenings or action days on 25.11. (day against gender-based violence) or other important dates, organization of our monthly association meetings
- Contributing your feminist perspective to the association, e.g. by providing input on content or creating feminist educational content

What's needed

For this volunteering opportunity, advanced German skills are required.
We are looking for a basic intersectional-feminist understanding, reliability and a desire for feminist educational work.

Time required

Discussed individually
flexible depending on your capacities

Important notice

We are a feminist association. So you should also be a convinced feminist yourself.

Trans-hostile "feminists" are not welcome.

All genders are welcome here.

If you need something specific to feel comfortable in your involvement with us, please let us know.


Feministisches Bildungszentrum e.V.

Feministisches Bildungszentrum e.V. - fembi for short -  is a non-profit association that aims to promote equal rights and freedom for all people through feminist educational work and to combat all forms of discrimination and social injustice. The association wants to offer opportunities to inform and empower people and at the same time encourage them to actively participate in shaping a feminist future. Our feminist approach is intersectional. We are currently organized entirely on a voluntary basis and do not have a permanent base.

More about the organisation
Berlin, Berlin
Advanced German skills
Discussed individually
Berlin, Berlin
Advanced German skills
Discussed individually