Laptops wanted for social workers

In-kind donation request

Elisabeth-Selbert-Straße 26, 64289 Darmstadt

Information about the request


We urgently need more laptops for home visits by our social workers in the context of homelessness support, as otherwise we will not be able to work with our clients. Since we need to access Excel files and the like in a clearly readable way, a size of at least 14 inches would be great.

Non-profit organisation

Neue Wohnraumhilfe gGmbH

Still required


Mode of transport

By mail/parcel service (postage paid by donor)
By mail/parcel service (postage paid by us)
We can pick up the donation
A volunteer will drop off the donation

You have a matching offer for this donation request? Great! Simply get in touch with the organisation to let them know what you can contribute and how much of it!

Contact NPO

About the Non-Profit Organisation

Neue Wohnraumhilfe gGmbH

Neue Wohnraumhilfe is a non-profit gGmbH and has been working at the interface between the housing industry and social work since 1991. We organise housing for homeless clients or clients threatened by homelessness, advise and accompany the housing conditions, offer social tenant counselling as well as outpatient assisted living and are also active in refugee assistance.

More about the organisation