Neue Wohnraumhilfe gGmbH

Neue Wohnraumhilfe is a non-profit gGmbH and has been working at the interface between the housing industry and social work since 1991. We organise housing for homeless clients or clients threatened by homelessness, advise and accompany the housing conditions, offer social tenant counselling as well as outpatient assisted living and are also active in refugee assistance.

About Neue Wohnraumhilfe gGmbH

Target group(s)

>> People who live on the street or in emergency shelters >>
Women from women's shelters >>
Young people after youth welfare measures >> Clients
of the Disabled Persons' Aid Association >> Probationary helpers
>> Clients of the Addiction Aid

Founding year



A right to housing
Neue Wohnraumhilfe is a non-profit social enterprise and works at the interface between the housing industry or enterprise and social work. Based on the conviction that every person should have a right to housing, we work economically and solution-oriented, taking into account the individual conditions of needy people in social distress.

We organise and manage housing, accompany the tenants* and secure tenancies.

For this purpose we work in the following areas:
>> Assisted living, >>
Tenant counselling, >> Housing supply
, >> Social housing
and construction projects, >> Support for refugees
and operation >> of refugee accommodation

Our donation requests on

Neue Wohnraumhilfe gGmbH