Niemandsland e.V.
The "Niemandslands" (The Nomansland) is a project workshop. There are several buildings on the association's premises that we operate collectively so that people can meet there and work on their projects. The Niemandsland is open daily for members and guests.

About Niemandsland e.V.
Target group(s)
Who are we doing this for?
For everyone! We only ask to respect the principle and not to make a profit out of it, e.g. the things are not meant for resale and we only accept things that really someday and somehow someone can still use. i.e. no garbage or things that can't be repaired anymore, no weapons or toxins, no inhumane materials, no chemistry and no disgusting panties ;)
Founding year
No Man's Land is financed through membership fees, room rentals, events, donations, etc.
The purpose of the association is
- the promotion of environmental protection
- the promotion of art and culture,
- the promotion of national and professional education,
- the promotion of civic engagement for charitable purposes.