StudyTutors Hamburg
We arrange free tutoring by volunteer students to children and young people in Hamburg.

About StudyTutors Hamburg
Target group(s)
Finanziell bedürftige Kinder und Jugendliche, die Unterstützung bei der Bewältigung des Schulstoffes benötigen. Unabhängig von Alter, Klassenstufe, und Schulform, jeglicher Herkunft selbstverständlich.
Founding year
The association Studenten bilden Schüler e.V. is now represented in over 40 cities and is funded by donations. All employees are volunteers, and tutoring rooms are provided by the social partners. The donations pay for teaching materials as well as leisure activities for the tutoring couples.
We want to make tutoring possible for children and young people whose parents cannot pay for commercial tutoring. Because educational opportunities must not depend on parental income!
Your support helps
Educational equity in Hamburg.