AWO Wohn- und Pflegeheim "Goethestraße" Wolfsburg
In the AWO residential and nursing home Goethestraße, we want to create a personal living space for the residents, maintain as much independence as possible and thus enable a largely individual lifestyle.
In addition to individual care, group offers and seasonal festivals, there is also cooperation with daycare centers and schools.
For supporters of VfL Wolfsburg, the fan club "Goethe-Wölfe" has a variety of activities ready, such as trips to home games, watching the away games together, and occasional contact with players.

About AWO Wohn- und Pflegeheim "Goethestraße" Wolfsburg
Founding year
Paid staff
Your support helps
Elderly people in need of care who can no longer live alone at home and are cared for and looked after by us around the clock.
By working with us, you help our residents to continue to participate in life and support the integration of these people into our everyday life. Because many of the people who live with us have imagined their lives differently in old age. It is often illness and the resulting problems and difficulties that lead to grief, suffering and isolation.
We could do something about this: Your time, which you would give to our residents. Whether it's a small conversation, help with group activities or excursions, parties and celebrations. A smile and a little time is often enough to brighten up their morning or afternoon and make them forget everything else for a moment.