Gemeinschaftsunterkunft Am Beelitzhof

The LfG-B is a state-owned institution and operates several community accommodation and reception facilities for refugees in Berlin, some of them permanently, others temporarily. Detailed information can be found on the website.

The refugee shelter Am Beelitzhof will be operated on a temporary basis (probably for three months) from June 2020. At the end of June 2020, the first residents will move into the MUF (Modular Accommodation for Refugees). In total, the MUF has room for 477 persons. The residents come from different countries of origin.

About Gemeinschaftsunterkunft Am Beelitzhof

Target group(s)


Founding year


Paid staff





Public service


The full-time team supports the people living here as much as possible in building an independent life in Germany. The support provided by volunteers in a wide range of areas is a valuable and indispensable addition to the task of helping adults, young people and children to gain access to society and to arrive in their new home.

Your support helps

- refugees to facilitate orientation and arrival in Berlin and increasingly feel at home

- supporting refugees in their integration and inclusion

- to enable increasing participation for refugees who have little social assertiveness upon arrival.

- to help parents overcome their first numerous hurdles to help with the care of their children

- to assist in the search for accommodation, visits to the authorities and doctors and in leisure activities

- to promote respectful and peaceful exchange between different cultures

- yourself, to get to know new cultures and to "think outside the box"

Our volunteering opportunities on

Our donation requests on