youngcaritas Stuttgart
You want to get involved in social projects, stand up for others, but have only a limited amount of time?
You have your own project idea and need support to realize it?
Welcome to youngcaritas!

About youngcaritas Stuttgart
Target group(s)
- young world-improvers (between 6 and 26 years)
- motivated world-improvers
- interested world-improvers
- people who say "I don't always have time but still want improve the world"
Founding year
Paid staff
youngcaritas Stuttgart is part of the Caritasverband für Stuttgart e.V.
We inform you about social issues and show you what you can do to help people who are not doing so well. We look forward to your commitment - whether you are there from time to time or regularly, whether you contribute your time, energy or creativity, every bit helps!
From youngcaritas you will receive ideas for social actions that can be easily implemented and that help directly.
Actions, in which you can take part or which you can implement yourself. For example, a flash mob against poverty, a donation campaign for homeless people, an exhibition, an excursion or a party for and with people who depend on your compassion.
Actions, in which you can take part or which you can implement yourself. For example, a flash mob against poverty, a donation campaign for homeless people, an exhibition, an excursion or a party for and with people who depend on your compassion.
Your support helps
youngcaritas supports where people need it most urgently. If you see injustice and want to actively change something about it, with youngcaritas you can! We offer you the possibility to make the world a little bit better in a flexible way even alongside school, training or study. Join us and see how easy it can be to do something good.