Help to create order: Support our laundry team in distributing the clothes!

Deutsches Rotes Kreuz - Kreisverband Dresden e.V.

Altstadt, 01307 Dresden, Sachsen
Basic German skills
Approx. 3 h per week
Direct contact
  • Seniors
  • Hands-on Activities
  • Organisation & Administration

About the volunteering opportunity

Help us to distribute freshly laundered laundry to the residents - a meaningful task that takes little time and is always done with support!

In our laundry, three employees take care of the clothes of all residents and the uniforms of our team. The cleaned laundry must be regularly distributed to the living areas - a time-consuming task for which we need your support!

Your Tasks

Your work in this project is specific:

  • Sorting the washed laundry by name and living area
  • Assisting with folding the clothes
  • Distributing the clothes to the respective living areas
  • You are never alone - a colleague from the laundry always accompanies you.

What's needed

For this volunteering opportunity, basic German skills are required.
What should you bring to the table?
We are looking for people for this job

  • who enjoy order and structure
  • who like to be hands-on
  • who would like a reliable, regular task
  • who have the confidence to interact with our residents (for example when distributing the laundry).

Time required

Approx. 3 hours per week.
During the day
When exactly are we looking for your support?
  • In the mornings, preferably on Tuesdays
  • once a week or every 14 days - but please always on the same day so that we can plan reliably.

Important notice

In addition to the personal support, our volunteers are of course also invited to the festivals and DRK events!
There is a contact person on site for our volunteers for all matters!


Deutsches Rotes Kreuz - Kreisverband Dresden e.V.

We of the Red Cross are part of a worldwide community of people in the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement that provides indiscriminate assistance to victims of conflict and disaster and to others in need, based solely on the measure of their need.  Under the banner of humanity, we work for the life, health, welfare, protection, peaceful coexistence and dignity of all people.

More about the organisation
Altstadt, 01307 Dresden, Sachsen
Basic German skills
Approx. 3 h per week
Direct contact
Altstadt, 01307 Dresden, Sachsen
Basic German skills
Approx. 3 h per week
Direct contact