Creative work with wood in our daycare centers and family centers
Lebenshilfe Duisburg gGmbH
- Kids & Teenagers
- Education & Language Support
- Hands-on Activities
About the volunteering opportunity
We are looking for volunteers who would like to work with our children from our family and education centers to make small wooden crafts. Take a look here to see which daycare centers Lebenshilfe-Duisburg has or which are in your area. In the next step, we will discuss where exactly you will be doing your work.
Your Tasks
You will create small wooden workpieces with our children.
What's needed
Pedagogical skills, enjoy working with children, manual dexterity.
Time required
We coordinate the scope of the assignments and the day of the week with you individually
Important notice
Extended certificate of good conduct is required for volunteer work with children, we cover the costs.
Lebenshilfe Duisburg gGmbH