Share (leftover) food with neighbors and friends
- 5 Minute Volunteering
- Food Saving
- Zero Waste
About the volunteering opportunity
What is this commitment about?
Who isn't happy about being cooked for? Next time you have too much food left over, why not ring a neighbor's doorbell and share your food? Whether it's vegetables that are about to go bad or a whole dish, someone else will be happier about it than your trash can!
What are 5-Minute Commitments?
With our 5-Minute Commitments, we want to inspire you to easily integrate volunteering into your everyday life. They are independent of non-profit organizations and allow you to individually get involved for people and nature in your neighborhood.
Your Tasks
Food that you know you won't be able to use before the expiry date can easily be shared with others. It doesn't matter whether you give it to friends or neighbors. The important thing is that we work together to reduce food waste.
Suggestions for platforms on which food can be given away or shared:
- foodsharing and the fair dividers of foodsharing
- nebenan.de
- karrot
What's needed
This 5-minute commitment requires no special prerequisites.
Time required
The time required for this commitment is very low, since you basically only distribute food or dishes that you already have at home anyway.
This project is location independent.

We are a social enterprise from Berlin with a big dream: We want a world in which everyone contributes to a better and more sustainable future according to their possibilities and regardless of time budget, language or previous knowledge. For this purpose, we gather on vostel.de numerous engagement offers from non-profit organizations that are looking for volunteers. By doing this, we show concrete possibilities for action in order to become socially active and would like to motivate above all the younger generations to get involved for a better world.