5 Minuten Engagement

Use bicycle and public transport instead of car


Remote Volunteering
No German skills required
Direct contact
  • 5 Minute Volunteering
  • Climate & Nature Protection

About the volunteering opportunity

What is this commitment about?

We all know by now that driving a car is bad for the environment. Especially if you are travelling alone and don't have to transport anything heavy, it is often worthwhile to take the train or the bike instead of the car. Often - especially in the city - it doesn't even take longer. And you not only avoid CO2 emissions, but also the annoying traffic jams.


What are 5-Minute Commitments?

With our 5-Minute Commitments, we want to inspire you to easily integrate commitment into your everyday life. They are independent of non-profit organizations and allow you to individually engage with people and nature in your neighborhood.

Your Tasks

The next time you have to travel a distance - for example, on the way to work, to transport something or to meet someone - ask yourself whether you can use your bike or public transport instead of the car. That way, you're doing your bit for the environment, and you can even read a bit on the way or get some exercise on your bike.

What's needed

For this volunteering opportunity you don't need any German skills.

This 5-minute commitment does not require any special prerequisites.

Time required


By avoiding traffic jams and not having to search for a parking space, you can even save time on shorter trips by using a bike and public transit instead of a car.


This project is location independent.


We are a social enterprise from Berlin with a big dream: We want a world in which everyone contributes to a better and more sustainable future according to their possibilities and regardless of time budget, language or previous knowledge. For this purpose, we gather on vostel.de numerous engagement offers from non-profit organizations that are looking for volunteers. By doing this, we show concrete possibilities for action in order to become socially active and would like to motivate above all the younger generations to get involved for a better world.

More about the organisation
Remote Volunteering
No German skills required
Direct contact
Remote Volunteering
No German skills required
Direct contact