Care and accompaniment of school children
Die Zieglerschen e.V.
- Kids & Teenagers
- Education & Language Support
- Hands-on Activities
- Sports & Leisure Activities
About the volunteering opportunity
We are looking for dedicated individuals for our Lassbergschule in Sigmaringen. The Lassbergschule SBBZ Sprache is a special education and counseling center with a focus on language (formerly Sprachheilschule). We currently have more than 50 children with speech disabilities - about 40 in the elementary school and about 13 in the school kindergarten.
Your Tasks
We are looking for dedicated persons for our Lassbergschule for
- supervising and accompanying the children during lunch
- Play/craft activities during the lunch break
What's needed
For this volunteering opportunity, advanced German skills are required.
Time required
Die Zieglerschen e.V.

The Zieglerschen is a diaconal social enterprise rich in tradition with its headquarters in Wilhelmsdorf in Upper Swabia and around 60 locations in Baden-Württemberg. More than 3,300 employees care for with many volunteers per year about 8,000 people in the types of assistance for the elderly, disabled, hearing-language center, youth welfare and addiction help on the basis of the Christian mission statement of the Zieglerschen.