Care and accompaniment of school children

Die Zieglerschen e.V.

72488 Sigmaringen, Baden-Württemberg
Advanced German skills
Discussed individually
  • Kids & Teenagers
  • Education & Language Support
  • Hands-on Activities
  • Sports & Leisure Activities

About the volunteering opportunity

We are looking for dedicated individuals for our Lassbergschule in Sigmaringen. The Lassbergschule SBBZ Sprache is a special education and counseling center with a focus on language (formerly Sprachheilschule). We currently have more than 50 children with speech disabilities - about 40 in the elementary school and about 13 in the school kindergarten.

Your Tasks

We are looking for dedicated persons for our Lassbergschule for

  • supervising and accompanying the children during lunch
  • Play/craft activities during the lunch break

What's needed

For this volunteering opportunity, advanced German skills are required.

Time required

Discussed individually
On weekdays, during the day


Die Zieglerschen e.V.

The Zieglerschen is a diaconal social enterprise rich in tradition with its headquarters in Wilhelmsdorf in Upper Swabia and around 60 locations in Baden-Württemberg. More than 3,300 employees care for with many volunteers per year about 8,000 people in the types of assistance for the elderly, disabled, hearing-language center, youth welfare and addiction help on the basis of the Christian mission statement of the Zieglerschen.

More about the organisation
72488 Sigmaringen, Baden-Württemberg
Advanced German skills
Discussed individually
72488 Sigmaringen, Baden-Württemberg
Advanced German skills
Discussed individually