Volunteers for the regional group
EinDollarBrille e.V.
- Families
- Kids & Teenagers
- Seniors
- Women
- Equal Opportunities
- Health Promotion
- Poverty Reduction
About the volunteering opportunity
The aim of OneDollarGlasses is to provide basic eye care for everyone.
It all started with the ingeniously simple invention of our founder, Martin Aufmuth: the bending machine. Inspired by the idea that a key way out of the spiral of poverty would be glasses that all people in the Global South could afford, Martin experimented and developed the bending machine, which is used to produce robust spectacle frames from spring steel wire without electricity. The prefabricated plastic lenses are break- and scratch-resistant and can be clicked into place with a single movement.
Donors and supporters are needed so that OneDollarGlasses can continue to work successfully in the program countries such as Brazil, India, Malawi, Colombia etc. towards the goal of providing basic eye care. For this we need volunteers in the region.
Your Tasks
- Participation in events
- Giving presentations at clubs such as Rotary and Lions, educational institutions and companies
- Acquiring and looking after donation boxes, which are set up at opticians, doctors, stores, etc
- various organizational tasks
What's needed
- Knowledge of MS Office/Teams is required
- Ability to work in a team and willingness to learn, everyone is welcome here, whether still in training, fully employed or retired
- Commitment and reliability
- ability to work independently
Time required
Important notice
EinDollarBrille e.V.

More than 950 million people in the world need glasses but are unable to afford them. Children cannot learn, parents cannot work and take care of their families. The OneDollarGlasses consist of a light, flexible spring steel frame. They are manufactured and sold by the local people themselves. The material costs: around 1 US dollar.