Aktion gegen den Hunger

Action against Hunger fights for a world without hunger and need. For all. Forever. 


About Aktion gegen den Hunger

Founding year


Paid staff





We are supported by companies, international institutions such as the European Union, GIZ, and various UN organisations, including the World Food Programme and UNICEF. In addition, more than 1 million people around the world support us in our work, for example by making a regular donation or participating in our Schools Against Hunger project.


Saving lives and restoring hope to people in need. For more than 40 years we have been fighting malnutrition and providing access to clean water and healthcare. Our approximately 8,300 employees worldwide provide emergency aid and help people build sustainable livelihoods.

Your support helps

Taking our mission into the schools and showing the students* how much they can achieve at a young age, with their athletic challenge.

Our volunteering opportunities on vostel.de

Aktion gegen den Hunger