JOBLINGE gemeinnützige AG Rheinland
JOBLINGE enables young people - regardless of their origin - to recognise their potential for themselves and to find a training place or job. We dare new ways for the success of young people and are measured by our effectiveness. In doing so, we combine the strongest forces from civil society, state and business.

About JOBLINGE gemeinnützige AG Rheinland
Target group(s)
JOBLINGE supports disadvantaged young people in gaining a foothold in the labor market. The participants are considered "not or only difficult to place", with "multiple placement barriers" such as migration or refugee background, no or poor school-leaving qualifications and come predominantly from Hartz IV needs communities.
JOBLINGE is a non-profit organization with public-private co-funding: circa 65 percent of the funding comes from public funds and around 35 percent from donations from companies and private individuals. The proportion of funding depends on local eligibility requirements and varies from location to location.
Many of our participants come to us through the Job Center, which means that a certain part of the six-month program is secured through this public funding. But the funding criteria are strict: new projects such as the STEM program, workshops of the culture and sports program, or even central tasks such as communications, marketing, partner programsand much more, we have to constantly finance ourselves through fundraising.
We close the gap between origin and future. The goal: real job opportunities for disadvantaged young people and sustainable integration into the labor market and society.
Your support helps
Our mentors encourage, motivate, strengthen the back and have an open ear: During the search for an apprenticeship and often beyond, they accompany their mentee as contact persons. The young people benefit from the knowledge and experience of their mentors