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ReDI School of Digital Integration

ReDI School of Digital Integration is a non-profit digital school for newcomers in Berlin. The school offers its students free, high-quality training, the chance to join the startup and digital industry, and a physical platform to connect newcomers to locals. 

To support the students in their studies, ReDI equips them with workstations in co-working spaces and access to technical mentors to work in project groups. Apart from technological skills, ReDI also provides know-how of digital entrepreneurs, and connects students early on with the local startup scene and potential employers through networking events.

About ReDI School of Digital Integration

Founding year


Paid staff





We are funded through private donations and corporate sponsors. We are currently receiving funds form corporations such as Klöckner.i, Coca-Cola, Microsoft, Chanel, Société Générale, JPM Chase Foundation...and many others!


Our purpose is to accelerate the integration into the German labour market and society through quality training in technology.

Your support helps

talented newcomers connect with locals and tech professionals in order to build a better future in Germany.

Our volunteering opportunities on

ReDI School of Digital Integration