Spanish course for the neighborhood

Volkssolidarität e.V.

Bezirk Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg, 10243 Berlin, Berlin
Advanced German skills
Discussed individually
  • Education & Language Support
  • Sports & Leisure Activities

About the volunteering opportunity

A low-threshold Spanish course for beginners, travel and everyday life is to be set up in our neighborhood meeting place. We have some interested people who would like to learn Spanish and are looking for a course leader. We cannot pay a fee and it should be more of a neighborhood project where people share their knowledge.

Your Tasks

The volunteer should take over the management of a Spanish course. This should involve organizing the content and conducting regular lessons. It does not have to be an adult education course, but a low-threshold offer where people from the neighborhood can come together and learn Spanish for travel and everyday life.

What's needed

For this volunteering opportunity, advanced German skills are required.
As this is a Spanish course, the person should of course have an advanced knowledge of Spanish. People with Spanish as their mother tongue are also welcome, but also a very good knowledge of German. We do not want to see any certificates, but if there is previous teaching experience, that would of course be very good.

Time required

Discussed individually
On weekdays, at night
We are completely open with regard to the time frame. We would suggest that lessons take place every two weeks for 1.5 hours. But other rhythms are also conceivable.


Volkssolidarität e.V.

The Volkssolidaritat is one of the biggest social and welfar organisations in the federal republic and it is the largest in East Germany. In Landesverband Berlin, more than 2500 people are actively volunteering. This includes around 250 locals, interests and self-help groups, that in the membership organisations are angaged in mutual aid, involeved in the social-politic advocacy and in the organization of events. In addition, volunteers are active in projects, activities and subsidiaries, such as daycare centres, meeting places and also in the administration. Since the number of active members and also the number of volunteers is decreased during the last years due to the age structures, the Volkssolidaritat needs to strenghten volunteering. About volunteering engagement the civil society is engaged and provides added value especially for socially disvantaged people. The Volkssolidaritat consists in keeping the motto „Miteinander-Füreinander“ (toghether-each-other), for a more solidary society.

More about the organisation
Bezirk Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg, 10243 Berlin, Berlin
Advanced German skills
Discussed individually
Bezirk Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg, 10243 Berlin, Berlin
Advanced German skills
Discussed individually