Oxfam Deutschland Shops gGmbH

We are Oxfam

Oxfam is an international relief and development organisation working for a just world without poverty. Oxfam provides emergency and disaster relief worldwide, promotes development and crisis prevention projects, informs about the causes of poverty in global campaigns and works to improve political and economic conditions.

Oxfam Shops are special second-hand shops where volunteer teams sell donated goods under the motto "we make superfluous things liquid". The more than 3,400 volunteers contribute to the success of the currently 54 Oxfam Shops nationwide with their daily commitment. The profits made by the shops benefit Oxfam's development policy work. At the same time, they bring Oxfam's vision and content to the public and are thus an important part of the organisation in terms of their visibility.

Get involved for a just world without poverty and become part of Oxfam.

About Oxfam Deutschland Shops gGmbH

Founding year





Oxfam leistet weltweit Not- und Katastrophenhilfe, fördert Projekte zur Entwicklung und Krisenprävention, informiert in globalen Kampagnen über die Ursachen von Armut und setzt sich für Verbesserungen von politischen und wirtschaftlichen Rahmenbedingungen ein. Die Shops unterstützden diese Arbeit finanziell und durch ihre Sichtbarkeit.

Your support helps

Oxfams Vision einer gerechten Welt ohne Armut.

Our volunteering opportunities on vostel.de

Oxfam Deutschland Shops gGmbH

Am Köllnischen Park 1
10179 Berlin